2022 edition

Hello! This page is our central location for the workshop content. Please feel free to reach out to Scott or Ash with any questions.

Structure | Schedule | Week 1 | 


The workshop will be comprised of pre-recorded videos and web pages (asynchronous content) supplemented with webinar style discussion groups (synchronous meetings). There are additional ways to communicate with one another, including a Slack group. Login information will be distributed to participants on May 6.

Participants will have a large ‘assignment’ to work on throughout the week that will reinforce the materials that are distributed. If you get stuck, have issues, or are just straight up confused by what’s going on, that’s ok! We’re here to support and help one another through this. It is a lot of content each week, and it will be there for you after this is over. In previous sessions we’ve found the most fruitful times are when we get together to ask questions and discuss the ideas that emerged while engaging with the tools and materials. 

The pre-recorded videos should be thought of as ‘lecture-like’ content for you to watch and build along with. They are mostly self contained at 5-10 minutes each. The weekly meetings will be an opportunity to address common questions that you all encountered over the week and for a broader discussion among all participants. We’ll be using breakout rooms in our synchronous meetings for smaller group discussions and co-working opportunities.